Marijuana Anonymous District 14 Safeguarding Policy

Policy Statement

In the UK, safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.

In our sector, we understand it to mean protecting people from harm that arises from coming into contact with our members or programmes.  One definition is as follows:

Safeguarding means taking all reasonable steps to prevent harm, particularly sexual exploitation, (emotional/psychological/physical) abuse and harassment from occurring; to protect people from that harm; and to respond appropriately when harm does occur.

This definition draws from our values, principles and traditions and shapes our culture. It pays specific attention to preventing and responding to harm from any potential, actual or attempted abuse of power, trust, or vulnerability, especially for sexual purposes.

Safeguarding applies consistently and without exception across our programmes and members. It requires proactively identifying, preventing and guarding against all risks of harm, exploitation and abuse and having mature, accountable and transparent systems for response, reporting and learning when risks materialise. Those systems must be survivor-centred and also protect those accused until proven that they have acted inappropriately.

Safeguarding puts beneficiaries and affected persons at the centre of all we do. Our common welfare depends on MA unity.

MA is viewed as a safe place for all and harassment, threats or disturbing behaviour before, during and after our meetings is unacceptable. 

Harassment includes, but is not restricted to, unwelcome sexual/romantic/financial/religious solicitations.

Raising Concerns

Members are encouraged to report/raise any concerns they may have with a trusted servant from a meeting, their sponsor or someone at district level. 

Where possible, any concerns raised will be dealt with at meeting level to maintain the autonomy of the meetings and MA District 14 have produced guidance on handling complaints which is available for all. However, in the event a concern cannot be resolved at meeting level, involves someone from District or affects MA/District 14 as a whole then the complaint handling team (CHT) for MA District 14 will intervene and where necessary investigate and subsequently may take action. Depending on the outcome of any investigations action taken can include suspension or expulsion from District 14 for anyone deemed to have gone against the sentiments of this policy.

Roles & Responsibilities

All members of MA have a role and a responsibility to ensure our common welfare. All members are expected to treat others with respect and put principles before personalities. Meeting trusted servants are responsible for ensuring issues at meeting level are dealt with promptly where possible. Members of District are responsible for providing the meetings with guidance and suggestions as to how to ensure a meeting remains a safe place. Where necessary District 14 members may create a service board / committee to deal with a concern that has been raised/unresolved at meeting level. This service board/committee will follow the agreed MA procedures relevant to the particular concern raised.

Each individual meeting will be responsible for setting their own protocols to be followed by its members. District 14 will issue guidance and suggestions as to what these protocols should be however the autonomy of the meeting allows the committee members of that meeting to interpret and implement these in the manner they feel best ensures the safety of their members.


It is essential that confidentiality is maintained at all stages of the process when dealing with safeguarding concerns.  Information relating to the concern and subsequent case management should be shared on a need-to-know basis only, and should be kept secure at all times. Gossip can be highly damaging and should be avoided at all costs.

To contact the Complaint Handling Team please email